Collins KWS-1 manual, reprint.

This is a digitally copied and enhanced manual for the Collins KWS-1 transmitter.  It is clear, clean, and easy to read.  It has heavy covers and is bound with a plastic comb.  No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!

It measures 8 1/2" X 11" with about 140 pages plus a large one piece 11" X 37" fold out schematic for the transmitter and a large one piece 11" X 17" fold out schematic for the power supply.  Topics Include:  general description, installation and initial adjustment, operation, theory of operation, maintenance and alignment, parts list, many diagrams showing parts placement, voltage chart, resistance chart, dial cord diagram, antennas, and schematics.  Dated 15 October 1958, 7th edition.  Also included: service bulletins: 1, 2A, 3, 4, 5, and 6.