Swan model 500C manual, reprint.

This is a digitally copied and enhanced manual for the Swan model 500C transceiver.  It  is clear, clean, and easy to read.  It is printed on premium 24# paper with heavy covers and bound with a plastic comb.  No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!

The Swan 500C manual is about 8 1/2" X 11" with about 30 pages plus a large one piece 11" X 23" fold out schematic.  Topics include: introduction, specifications, circuit theory, block diagrams, installation, control functions, operation, transmitter tuning, alignment and trouble shooting, top and bottom chassis views, voltage chart, trouble shooting guide, parts list, 405X crystal control external oscillator, 22B dual VFO adaptor, 410C frequency control unit, 14-117 power supply, 14-C power supply, 117-XC power supply, 117-X power supply, VOX model VX-2, and schematic.