Harvey-Wells Bandmaster manual, reprint.

This is a digitally copied and enhanced manual for the Harvey Wells Bandmaster TBS-50B, TBS-50C, and TBS-50D transmitter.  It has been copied from an original and is clear, clean, and easy to read.  It is printed on premium 24# paper with heavy covers and bound with a plastic comb.  No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!

The Bandmaster manual is 8 1/2" X 11" with about 34 pages and three large one piece 11" X 17" foldout schematics.  Topics covered include:  general, technical characteristics, frequencies, microphones, output coupling, front panel controls, technical characteristics of the power supplies, installation, operation with VFO, keying VFO, antenna, exciter operation, service notes, voltages, many diagrams, schematics of the APS-50, DPS-50, & VPS-50 power supplies, and schematics of the TBS-50B, TBS-50C, & TBS-50D.  Also includes are service notices #10, #11, and #12.